Tai Chi and Travel stories

Personal stories about both learning and teaching Tai chi. It is about walking the path of self-development and finding my position in social and professional life. I have been travelling and living in many countries, speak 7 languages fluently. With the view from a cosmopolitan perspective, I have included my personal experiences in each culture.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Singing technique with Nadia

Yesterday our choir had an extraordinary lesson with Nadia. She was a radiant personality; as she walked into the room it was as though we were embedded in her qi. She had no previous experience with Tai Chi. I know that many physical exercises in singing have to do with breathing and the movements resemble Tai Chi to a great deal.

She started off with theory and the first three odds of singing:

1. Posture
Imagine our head is straight and suspended by a string from above. Our shoulders sunken and in singing they simply do not exist. Back straight and torso prolonged, the hips slightly bent and relaxed, the tail bone low and not protruding too much. Our voice clearly became better as soon as we were more aware of our posture

2. Breathing
A short explanation of breathing physiology, how the abdominal muscles were organized and utilized. The shape and role of the diaphragm during exhalation. Singing is factually a procedure of exhalation. In short, singing is not carried out by the throat but by the abdomen.

3. Using the whole body. The bones are the resonance body for the sound, low tones are produced by the chest bones, higher tones(head voice) by the facial bones

Our posture and stance needs to be heroic, nearly arrogant. When I sing or practice Tai Chi, I now imagine being the hero Radames in the opera Aida. In the older days the scholars and the singers played a core role in social hierarchy. the people who were being listened to. Speaking should be rhythmic, clear and slow, the tone of the voice low, dark and calm.

The singers I know have extraordinary levels of qi. "Singing is positive energy, you need to be in high spirits and keep your mind clear from disturbing thoughts." said Nadia

Tai Chi would be an excellent complement for choirs and opera singers because they have so many aspects in common.

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Monday, February 19, 2007

Relationship with a Tai Chi teacher

Why do you do Tai CHi? Why do I do Tai Chi? Some people do Tai Chi because they have seen Kung fu movies, some are looking for a better life, many do it to destress, to teach themselves to become more patient, to develop more body/mind awareness and a great deal for health and therapeutic reasons.

Some people are not prepared to do long standing meditation, a seemingly arduous effort with no immediate gratification. It does have a significant reward on the long run, such as a better natural posture, mental quietness, the type of relaxation which has more to do with stretching and loosening than a spaghetti type of relaxation(song), clear strengthening of the postural and leg muscles.

High push hands skills is a result of regular standing practice. One needs to stand as long as h/she is able to and just 1 minute will be enough for the start. This is the way to really listen into oneself, the body, the breathing, sensation of left and right, the right posture, in fact something with an extremely high reward.

I have practiced several martial arts and they all have high health benefits. As Tai Chi became more and more well-known in the western world as a health exercise I thought that practicing this art for both martial arts and health would be the real supreme ultimate. My encounters with Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo and later my shi gong(Grandfather-teacher) Grandmaster Chenxiaowang was the fulfilment of my dream. Dr. Paul Lam has shown me a way to combine my medical skills with Tai Chi Chuan, another refreshing flavour in my path towards the ultimate balance.

All my teachers have been excellent as both teachers as well as martial artists. But what will be the case when somebody is unable to get hold of a suitable teacher in his/er area? Should this person put up with a seemingly skilled person but very poor people/s skills? Are we all not just vulnerable people with some insecurities, ordinary sinners with all needs for love and reward? If we are made to feel incompetent by a teacher, justified or not, will we develop into incompetent learners?

Push hands skills like reaching out where the "insults" come from(of course we know this), absorb them, redirect and transfer it into obtaining skills sound wonderful in theory. But.....exactly like push hands skills need a solid structure through formwork, mental push hands need a solid structure through constant efforts.

I heard comments like you emulate more to the person you like to be through long-term practice. A teacher who communicates downward does not make it possible unless you are a member of one of the Chen or Yang family. Well....I wanted to be as good as Grandmaster Chenxiaowang or at least like his son YIngjun or my teacher Jan Silberstorff. When I practice I imagine to be one of them and I really try to practice in such a way that I externally resemble one of them.

The Toastmasters'(a group of amateur public speakers) have a golden rule:PIP(Praise, Improvement, Praise). It is of utmost importance to receive praise for the efforts and the path towards better health and Tai Chi Chuan. The journey towards the goal is as important as the goal itself. A good teacher needs the right attitude and communication skills, to balance between praise and improvement.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Tai Chi principles and Salsa dancing

This article is purely based on my personal experience. People with physical limitations are not recommended turning without proper instruction from a professional. Please discuss with your health care practitioner before following any examples."

Tai Chi has the right principles and internal strength, dancing is just mindless moving and Tai Chi principles is simply alien in this group." A very common, most erroneous statement from those who practise Tai Chi without any connection to the real world. My salsa teacher Oren has proven that it is totally different.

In the first lesson he emphasized on relaxation of the mind and the right posture without technical words like jing or qi. He and his partner were humourous and entertaining, but their teaching was thorough enough to give the students what they expect. He was standing back on to the students, exactly like a Tai CHi teacher.

From his teaching style he reminds more of a Tai Chi teacher than an emotional dancer. HIs explanation of the single turning could have come from a Tai Chi instructor. He broke the movement into three parts. The first part was placing the left foot for the ladies in front of the body. In the next part, the students should pivot on the ball of their feet from their centre(he pointed at the dantien).

Shift weight from left to right where he placed high emphasis on. Prepare for the next 180 degree turn. " You can't turn on a foot when there is no weight on it." he said. Turning should be on the ball of the foot with some weight, but not so much that the foot is planted in the ground. Maybe he does practice Tai CHi because this is taught in many dance studios. No difficult words like yin, yang, little yin in the yang and vice versa.

The gentlemen needed to give slight pressure in order to lead their ladies into turning, while the ladies needed to give slight resistance despite relaxation."No spaghetti type of relaxation." said Oren.The arms well-angled but the ellbows should not be too much out. No words like song and qi.Pink Barbie pushed a little bit too hard and her partner tumbled over very slightly.

The legs should be bent but the knee should not protrude over the foot. Hey.....very familiar. The body will become well-balanced when the hands and feet are in the right position.

Our body responds with the same natural angles to physical motion, so dancing is certainly an excellent way to obtain many of the Tai CHi principles. On the other hand, Tai Chi teaches us so many ways to apply principles and internal strength in our life.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

The levels of Taijiquan learning

Grandmaster Chen Zhonglei has given a presentation about the levels of Taijiquan. Jan Silberstorff, my teacher, has stated similar points relating to the hexagrams and images. Following levels will be easier understood for the general public.

1. Learning the movements on a gros level. Some corrections on posture, focus, relaxation. Introduction into martial arts guided imagery to make the movements to be better understood. Gentle introduction into the essential principles and qi(vital energy)

On this level, a beginning teacher with good movements would be able to help. A good video, dvd or book is better than a bad teacher. When the students wish to explore the higher levels of the art, h/she will have to look for a teacher with a higher level and a video will not be enough The attitude and teaching skills of the teacher plays the most important role on all levels

2. Refining the movements in detail. Further introduction into the essential principles by Chang Cheng Fu. More guided imagery and maybe soft partner training on martial applications. The movements will become more accurate with the right intention and understanding. Gentle introduction into weight shifting, substantial(yang) and insubstantial(yin). Further introduction into qi dynamics, trying to move with the qi

3. Moving with the qi and trying to infuse the qi into the limbs and the body. Further instruction to communicate qi to the muscles and body. Deepening the understanding of yin and yang, little yin within the yang, little yang within the yin. In the I Ching this is called the level of the four images

Tai Chi is a life-long endeavour. Not only will our inner and outer muscles develp more strength and volume, our character will grow as we walk along the path of the Dao. Playing the form means listening into our body, how it changes gradually from wuji(void) into taiji(balance of yin and yang), further divide itself into yin within the yang and vice versa, everything will divide into the many little particles of yin-yang-yin-yang. Finally everything will return to the origins, to the large scale of yin and Yang and to Wuji(closing movement)

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Young kids and Tai Chi

Junior practices karate and some Tai Chi. He has a lot of energy and a good eye to copy. Obviously he does prefer the flashy jumps and kicks of Chen style. On the outer appearance, it is much more similar to external arts than to what the general public erroneously perceives as Tai Chi. The rest of the class is practising posture and weight shifting. Not as easy as meets the eye.

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